Company News Linhai Xinfa Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd

How to choose outdoor umbrellas, outdoor umbrellas which is better?

Date:2017-11-17 15:24:51 Click:1011

I first introduce the style of sunshade, according to its shape, can be divided into column umbrella, banana umbrella, unilateral umbrella, Roman umbrella, rotating umbrella, sky umbrella, large hanging umbrella, according to its shape can be divided into Round and square, then subdivided then there is a single and double points. According to its material points, can be divided into column umbrella, column aluminum umbrella and so on. Corresponding to so many sunshades style and price we should choose?

Method / step
1, you have to choose according to your surrounding environment, for example, where you use the umbrella, the wind is relatively large, then I suggest you use double sunshade, the umbrella has a vent at the top to maintain a more stable; If you are to embellishment then you do not pay any attention to the purchase of sunshades, just look at the design of your surroundings and purchase!

2, the price, you may wish to look at the high prices, high in the end where high, so your purchase surprises brought surprises, such as teak parasailing, the price is higher because of its umbrella Rods and support columns are made of expensive teak made of high quality of the material created!

3, the material, there are many companies in order to use the price to attract people, they make a big fuss in the material, such as umbrella cloth quality, anti-UV level, can make changes, a little change, then to your product price Go on, in fact, such an umbrella was purchased by you, then you also learned why the umbrella with the same paragraph, in different company prices have such a big difference, this is the result of the price war in the industry.


Next: Choose a durable umbrella
